Saturday, September 13, 2008

We have finally got all the kids back to school and getting settled in our everyday routine of things. Of course Beckham is completely lost without his sisters here to entertain him. He has taken on the roll of being our second puppy in the house. He thinks he needs to drink out of a bowl on the floor and crawl around with his tongue hanging out and of course we can't forget his sweet doggie kisses.

This will be our first Year that none of the kids wanted to play soccer which was kind of sad but in a way a huge relief of stress. But that has also left it open for other activities that they want to be involved in and have wanted to try.

Jeff and I each play on a co-ed soccer team. We were suppose to be playing in different leagues since I wasn't wanting to play competetive but they combined it so we were left on different teams but same league.

I was also made the head room mother of Mikaiah's classroom at school so there will be quite a bit of time consuming activities there, but I'm very excited to have the opportunity to be involved with her class.


Miss KatieBug said...

I am so glad that you have a blog now.

The Dodges said...

I am so glad you have a blog. We miss you guys so much. This will be a good way to keep up with your cute family.
